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Vegan Type 1 Diabetic for 27 years
I learned the hard way that changing my basic eating habits and philosophy was the only way to regain my life.


Walking Into the Light
Diary of a Vegan Diabetic

Part biography, part guidebook, part cookbook, a must read for anyone touched by diabetes.

Eye opening guide on living as a vegan with diabetes as a vegan
4 steps to a healthier you
Savoury and sweets as well as traditional classics

An eye-opening guide on living as a vegan with diabetes


4 steps to a healthier you


Kitchen Science; knowing the science behind the disease will put you in control.


Contact Lucas today to get started: 0400251817

 Or Skype me: l-verhelst​​

People Talk

“A beautiful story…”   
Zippora Karz, author “The Sugarless Plum”, “Ballerina Dreams”

“Well-informed and passionately written…” 
Dr Kevin Coleman MB.BS. MPH. FRACGP. 

“…will pull at the strings of your heart…”
Diabetic patient

The New Dietary Approach to Diabetes
4 steps to kick off your new life

1. Begin a LFMV Diet: Avoid Animal Products

Animal products contain fat, especially saturated fat, which is linked to heart disease, insulin resistance, and certain forms of cancer. These products also contain cholesterol and, of course, animal protein. It may surprise you to learn that diets high in animal protein can aggravate kidney problems and calcium losses. Animal products never provide fiber or healthy carbohydrates. A vegan diet is one that contains no animal products at all.  So, you’ll want to avoid red meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, and eggs.

2.   No Added Vegetable Oils and Other High-Fat Foods

Although most vegetable oils are in some ways healthier than animal fats, you will still want to keep them to a minimum.  All fats and oils are highly concentrated in calories. A gram of any fat or oil contains nine calories, compared with only four calories for a gram of carbohydrate.  Avoid foods fried in oil and oily toppings.  Aim for no more than 5 grams of fat per serving of food of which no more than 1 gram is saturated fat.

Popular Picks

Popular Picks is regularly updated to show what is trending in the LFMV meal choices.  Feel free to signup and give your opinion on whats hot and whats not.

Pumpkin Baked Cheesecake 

Sweet without the guilt

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